Firm activities

Tax consultancy

Tax consultancy for Italian companies and for Italian branches of foreign companies, assisting them in a personalized manner, with reference to ordinary business and with reference to the strategic and organizational development of the same, and of the groups to which the companies belong. This task includes assistance in matters regarding direct and indirect taxes, aspects of financial statements and corporate activity, and tax advice. Provenzano&Zampetti is the tax representative in Italy of major foreign companies.

Corporate transactions

Assistance in corporate transactions, such as M&A, mergers, splits, transfers of companies and/or business units.

The activities carried out include:

  • evaluations and appraisals
  • models and structures for the acquisition and sale of companies and/or holdings
  • corporate reorganizations
  • pre-acquisition due diligence and vendor due diligence
  • business plan

Provenzano&Zampetti has developed a particular expertise in assisting companies in the start-up phase, and in assisting international groups with reference to their entry into the domestic market.

Remuneration of employees

Consultancy and assistance in planning innovative forms of incentive and remuneration for employees (especially managers and executives): stock option plans and employee compensation structures.

Tax audits and inspections

Assistance in case of tax audits, representing Clients before Tax Administration Offices (including in finalizing Ruling and agreements).

The activities carried out include:

  • assistance during audits
  • submission of pleadings and documents
  • debating with tax administration offices
  • management of pre-litigation stages in order to avoid litigation.

Tax litigation

Tax assistance and representation before the competent Tax Courts.

The activities carried out include:

  • assistance in conciliation and reduction procedures
  • litigation before the Tax Courts

Tax audit

Due diligence, tax audit and tax check up with reference to both direct taxes and VAT and other indirect taxes.


Drafting of appraisals of companies, businesses, business units, corporate holdings and intellectual property:

  • appraisals pursuant art.2343 c.c.
  • appraisals pursuant art.2645 c.c.
  • appraisals in support of evaluations/revaluations required by regulations and tax laws
  • independent evaluations and determinations of fairness of asset values or economic transactions

Corporate consulting and regulatory compliance

Ordinary and extraordinary corporate assistance, both with reference to compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code (participation in meetings and management of resolutions of the competent corporate bodies, keeping of company records) and with reference to compliance with laws and regulations that may be affected by their sectors (e.g., listed issuers, financial intermediaries and regulated markets).

Corporate secretariat

Outsourced corporate secretariat service for handling any file, and a communication of corporate nature, with reference to fulfillments of public obligations at the Companies Registration List and at any other public office. Legal domiciliation ato Italian and foreign companies.


Lectures in training meetings to Clients, banks and financial intermediaries, trade associations, regarding:

  • direct and indirect taxes
  • accounting and financial statements
  • financial statement evaluations and analysis
  • anti-money laundering regulations and procedures.